
The Easiest Weekly House Cleaning Tips

Weekly House Cleaning Surprise AZ


I’ve been cleaning for over 30 years and I know it’s hard to keep your house clean all the time. So, here are some of my favorite tips for making sure that your home is in tip-top shape:

Make your bed with clean linens.

Make your bed with clean linens.

It is one of the easiest ways to make your room look more tidy, organized, and comfortable. You will also feel more organized when you get out of bed in the morning because your bed will be made with clean linen which can help you fall asleep faster at night.

Do the dishes.

One of the easiest ways to keep your house clean and ready for guests is to do a thorough weekly house cleaning Surprise AZ before each visit. This includes:

  • Washing all dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
  • Putting away dishes as you take them out of the dishwasher.
  • Cleaning the dishwasher after each use, including thoroughly rinsing out all parts and setting it on a low-temperature cycle (if you have one). If possible, set aside a night or two when this can be done every day if necessary because it’s so much easier than doing it while other chores are being done around the home (or even just one day per week). Plus, if you don’t have time then consider buying an inexpensive do-it-yourself model which will save money over hiring someone else!

Clean out the fridge.

The second easiest way to clean your fridge is by weekly house cleaning Glendale AZ out the fridge. This can be done by simply taking out all of your food and washing it, or if you have enough time, organizing everything so that it’s easier to find what you need when you want it.

The third easiest way is to wash all of the shelves in your refrigerator and freezer! This will help keep them looking nice for longer periods of time because they won’t be covered in yucky germs from previous meals! Just make sure not to use too much detergent or bleach on them because these products can cause stains which may ruin their appearance over time.”


Laundry. It’s one of the most common chores, but it can be a complete pain in the rear. With so many different machines and loads of laundry to do, how can you keep it all straight?

The first step is making sure that you have everything prepped and ready to go before starting your weekly house cleaning Tempe AZ routine. Put all dirty clothes into a basket or hamper (or buy some). Then wash any bedding that needs it—and put those into another bin or basket for later use when washing comes around again!

If you have an electric clothes dryer at home, turn it on before starting laundry day so there’s no waiting around for hot water or trying to wrangle wet towels out of their tubs every time they’ve been hanging out overnight in puddles of water from earlier spills caused by kids who ran through them while running around naked outside during recess class because they were bored waiting on their teacher


Vacuum. It’s the simplest and most effective way to keep your home clean. The average vacuum cleaner can remove up to 99 percent of dust, hair, lint and other particles from carpeting and hard floors, according to Consumer Reports.

But even if you’ve got a fancy new model with one of those premium HEPA filters that supposedly trap allergens—you still need to empty it completely each month (or at least weekly) because dust builds up there over time. You don’t want that stuff getting onto your furniture or drapes when they’re out!

And remember: don’t vacuum wet surfaces such as sinks or tubs unless absolutely necessary; instead use an allergen spray like Lysol Disinfectant Spray Solution ($5 on Amazon) followed by paper towels dampened with warm water.

Dust tables and other surfaces.

Dusting is a quick and easy way to remove dust from surfaces. You can use a damp cloth to wipe down tables, shelves and windowsills; then use a dry cloth for polishing. Avoid using water on wood floors; always wipe with a dry cloth after you’ve mopped them up!

You should also pay attention to how often you mop your floors: if they’re not thoroughly cleaned every day or two, mold will start growing on the grout lines between tile flooring tiles (and then it’ll be hard to get rid of).

Scrub sinks and toilets.

  • Scrub sinks and toilets.
  • Use a brush and disinfectant to scrub your sink, then rinse it thoroughly with hot water before you use it again. If you don’t have access to an old toothbrush (or if you’re trying to save money), buy one at the dollar store!
  • Don’t use abrasive cleaners like Mr Clean or Comet detergent on your sink; they’ll scratch off any kind of coating that’s built up over time, which will make weekly house cleaning Laveen Village AZ more difficult in the future—and could get some of those stubborn stains out there too! Also, keep in mind that bleach doesn’t work well on porcelain fixtures like these; instead, try using vinegar instead—it should work just as well but won’t damage the surface as much as bleach does!

Sweep kitchen floor.

Clean your kitchen floor. This one’s pretty self-explanatory, but you should sweep the floor in the kitchen every week so you don’t track dirt into other parts of your home.

Use a broom with a long handle and sweep towards the door when sweeping around chairs and tables, and then continue rotating around them clockwise until all areas are swept clean. If you’re using an old fashioned wooden or plastic brush, use this technique: start at one end of your dining table or countertop and work toward yourself slowly while moving to each side every couple feet or so until it’s completed—this will prevent any accidents from happening due to unexpected movement caused by sweeping someone else’s dishes off their table onto yours!


I hope these weekly house cleaning tips help you get your home in order. I know it can be a big challenge to keep up with all the things that need to get done, but with these easy tips and some time at the end of each week, you’ll be on your way to a cleaner home!

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