
CompTIA CS0-002 Free Questions Answers

CS0-002 exam questions

If you want to pass the CompTIA CS0-002 exam, you need to prepare thoroughly. It is essential to look for a reliable and updated study guide. So, The information in the Examsbrite CS0-002 exam questions is complete, including all the questions and answers and explanations for each answer.

The CompTIA CS0-002 exam is a computer-based certification exam that tests your knowledge of computer hardware and software. So, The exam helps validate your understanding of installing, configuring and troubleshooting desktop PCs. Therefore, It is offered in 150 countries and covers all computer hardware and software aspects.

You can study for the CS0-002 exam using a Free Examsbrite CS0-002 exam questions or by taking the exam yourself. Moreover, You can choose one from the many free study guides available online. Professionals design CompTIA CS0-002 free study guides to help you pass the test. So, They are designed for self-study and help you prepare for the exam.

The Examsbrite CompTIA CS0-002 exam questions includes computer networks and information security questions. So, The questions are written according to standard guidelines and are designed to help you prepare for the actual exam. There are also support services available for the exam.

CS0-002 exam questions
CS0-002 exam questions

CompTIA CySA+ Certification CS0-002 Exam Question and Answers

Questions 1

A security analyst discovered a specific series of IP addresses that are targeting an organization. None of the attacks have been successful. Which of the following should the security analyst perform NEXT?


A. Begin blocking all IP addresses within that subnet.

B. Determine the attack vector and total attack surface.

C. Begin a kill chain analysis to determine the impact.

D. Conduct threat research on the IP addresses

Answer:- D

Questions 2

When attempting to do a stealth scan against a system that does not respond to ping, which of the following Nmap commands BEST accomplishes that goal?


A. nmap –sA –O -noping

B. nmap –sT –O -P0

C. nmap –sS –O -P0

D. nmap –sQ –O -P0

Answer:- C

Questions 3

Which of the following software security best practices would prevent an attacker from being able to run arbitrary SQL commands within a web application? (Choose two.)


A. Parameterized queries

B. Session management

C. Input validation

D. Output encoding

E. Data protection

F. Authentication

Answer:- A, C

Questions 4

An organisation is assessing risks so it can prioritize its mitigation actions. Following are the risks and their probability and impact:

CS0-002 exam questions
CS0-002 exam questions

Which of the following is the order of priority for risk mitigation from highest to lowest?


A. A, B, C, D

B. A, D, B, C

C. B, C, A, D

D. C, B, D, A

E. D, A, C, B

Answer:- A

Questions 5

Which of the following is MOST closely related to the concept of privacy?


A. An individual’s control over personal information

B. A policy implementing strong identity management processes

C. A system’s ability to protect the confidentiality of sensitive information

D. The implementation of confidentiality, integrity, and availability

Answer:- A

Questions 6

A manufacturing company uses a third-party service provider for Tier 1 security support. One of the requirements is that the provider must only source talent from its own country due to geopolitical and national security interests. Which of the following can the manufacturing company implement to ensure the third-party service provider meets this requirement?


A. Implement a secure supply chain program with governance.

B. Implement blacklisting lor IP addresses from outside the county.

C. Implement strong authentication controls for at contractors.

D. Implement user behavior analytics tor key staff members.

Answer:- A

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