
Which CRM Free Software Is Best For Newbie Coaches?

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Are you an entrepreneur looking for a way to reduce stress and make your work more productive?  You do not need to settle for less. As a coach whether a starter or an experienced one with more than 50 clients, you should know the power of technology in your business. You may need help documenting phone numbers and demographic details. Using a pen or sheet of paper isn’t enough. What if they get stolen or worse lost? You may also need to set up reminders for meetings and track each client’s progression. it is obvious you can’t do all these without some form of technological help. That is why the best CRM for coaching business free is here to help.

What is CRM Software?

CRM is an acronym for customer relationship management and it is a tool that gives you the ability to have an organised system whereby you can share and manage details about your client or customers. This tool allows you to gather client information; from names, Emails, phone numbers, social media pages etc. It also helps you sort them out in a way that would facilitate easy communication between both ends and keep the relationships steady. With a best CRM for coaching business software, you can store your information for a long time with cloud storage.

Types of CRM Software for Newbie Coaches

There are various brands of coaching CRMs software out there and they fall into 4 categories. This CRM software is built in a way that suits the needs of the Coaches in one way or another. 

Here are 4 major types of CRM software: 

Operational CRM 

This CRM tool not only allows you to share customers’ information but also allows you to set up reminders, automate text and response and perform other business activities. If you are just starting your coaching career this would make a great tool for you because it helps keep track of your customers journey,  from the point of first interaction to the point of sales. All this is done without stress.

Marketing CRM 

This automatically integrates marketing features into your software by helping you appeal to your customers through emails, reminders or personal notifications. They are also good for redirecting clients to a page or platform where they buy or process payments for packages they have bought.

Collaborative CRM 

This CRM tool allows you and your team to collaborate via the cloud so as to work on various projects that would move the organisation forward. Here, you have a joint dashboard in which you as the employer can be able to see what your employees are working on. It also helps you know who is doing more work than the other.

Analytical CRM 

This is a reporting tool. The CRM for business coaches has the ability to analyze and make reports from your results and the customer’s data you have gathered. This data can help you improve your business and give more reports on certain clients. It also helps in social listening and to analyse your competitors’ market. This tool can also be good for generating leads.


As a newbie, you may heavily rely on good revenues to keep your business moving and a good CRM is one way to increase your business revenue. As a newbie coach, you can always start up with one of the free CRM software from very big reputable companies like Hubspot. Although the features are limited, they are an added advantage to your business

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