Digital Marketing

What Types of Content Drive Engagement on Facebook

What Types of Content Drive Engagement on Facebook

Content is king on social media, and Facebook is no exception. According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, content that is timely, original, and engaging drives the most engagement on social media. To provide followers with the best possible content, make sure to consider content types when planning blog posts.

Anyone who has ever been on Facebook knows that posts with strong engagement rates are the ones that get the most Shares, likes, and reactions. So, what makes a post engage its audience?

In this article, we will be discussing the different types of content that drive engagement on Facebook, By understanding what makes content successful on Facebook, create posts that are sure to engage the readers and generate more leads for the business.

What are the Components of Content that Drive Engagement?

The components of content that drive engagement on Facebook include images, videos, and stories. Images and videos are the most popular types of content on Facebook, and stories are gaining in popularity. The combination of images, videos, and stories drives both engagement and sharing.

Stories are especially effective at driving engagement because they keep users engaged with the content. Users can typically spend up to 20 minutes reading a story, which is more time than they spend on most other types of content on Facebook. Stories also can create a sense of community among users. When users share a story, they are also likely to share other stories that are related to the one that they are sharing.

In addition to stories, images and videos are also popular content types on Facebook. Images can be used to capture users’ attention, and videos can be used to tell a story. Videos are especially effective at driving engagement because they are often longer than stories and can be seen in more places on Facebook. Videos on Facebook can be edited using the free online video editor, which makes them more interactive and fun to watch. Overall, images, videos, and stories are the most popular components of content on Facebook. They are both engaging and shareable.

Content Types on Facebook that Drive Engagement

Funny Post

Facebook has plenty of content types that can drive engagement, but some are more successful than others. One type of Facebook post that is consistently popular and engaging is the funny post. Funny posts are often easy to make and share, and they make people happy. They also tend to be shared more than other types of posts, which can help build brand awareness and reach new followers.


1. A funny post about a silly situation that happened at work.

2. A funny photo of a pet or friend that has done something funny.

3. A funny video about something lame that someone else did.

4. A hilarious meme or graphic featuring popular culture references.

Current Events

Events are one of the most popular content types on Facebook because they’re easy to create and share. With just a few clicks, you can add an event page to your website or Facebook group and invite your followers to participate. Not only do events drive engagement by inviting people to join your event, but they can also help you connect with new followers.

Example: Announcing our upcoming event! Join us on Wednesday, September 26 at 7 pm for a fun night filled with food, drink, and laughs. RSVP now to reserve your spot!

In this example, the business is announcing an upcoming event and inviting its followers to join. They’ve also included a link to the event page so people can RSVP.

Giveaways and Freebies

Facebook has several different content types that can help drive engagement including giveaways and freebies. By offering these types of promotions to your fans, you can encourage them to return often and interact with your posts.

One way to promote giveaways is to create a contest and offer eligible participants a chance to win. This type of promotion can be especially effective if you set up a ruleset that is communicated to everyone who participates. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the contest deadline is closely aligned with the post’s publish date to maximize participation.

Another way to promote freebies is through daily deals. This type of promotion offers fans access to exclusive products or services for a limited period. In order to ensure that people are aware of these deals, it’s important to post them frequently and make sure that they are easy to find. You can also include social media buttons on your website or blog so that people can share the deal with their followers.

Whatever strategy you choose, make sure that you are targeting your specific Facebook audience and crafting content that is relevant to them. By doing this, it increases the likelihood to engage with the posts and returning to the page later on.

Example of Freebies and Giveaway posts: -“Get a freebie when you sign up for our mailing list!”

-“Free sample of our latest product available only through this page.”

-“Win a $100 gift card by entering our contest!”


When your content is inspirational, people will likely share it because it makes them feel good. This can help to boost your reach and engagement on your posts. Additionally, if you post often with inspirational content, people will begin to expect it from you, and they will be more likely to interact with the posts as a result.

Example of Inspirational Post: “When you find yourself doubting how far you can go, remember how far you have come. Remember all the times you refused to give up and all the battles you fought.”

This post is about overcoming obstacles, and it’s written in a motivational tone. This type of content is likely to be popular with readers, who may share it on social media or even use it as inspiration for themselves.

Status Updates/Lifestyle

Status Updates are about what you’re doing or what’s happening in your life at the moment, while Lifestyle Posts are about your lifestyle and interests.

Status Updates are great for keeping people up to date on your day-to-day activities and can be used to build relationships with your followers. By posting regularly, you’ll keep them interested in what you have to say and help foster a sense of community between you and your followers.

Lifestyle Posts are a great way to show off your personality and showcase your unique interests. By writing about things that interest you, you’ll encourage others to follow you and learn more about what you care about.

Whether you’re updating your followers about what you’re doing or just sharing some pics from the weekend, Status Updates and Lifestyle Posts can be a great way to engage with your followers.

Example of Lifestyle Post: Hi everyone! I’m just getting ready for work but wanted to share this sandwich I made for lunch today. It’s got turkey, avocado, and tomatoes on whole wheat bread. Yum!

To make it easy to create engaging content, try out the video editor that lets you create engaging videos, photo slideshows, and animated gifs in your Facebook marketing campaigns.

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