
Tips to exercise your brain

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Yet today’s technology has put too many obstacles in the way of training that vital part of your human body, from television to the distractions of the internet, they have declared war on your brain development.

The only real tool you have when you want to solve a problem is your intelligence. Knowing how to train and develop it will help you make excellent decisions that will lead you to success.

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Here are some tips to increase your logic and reasoning:

Reading constantly is very important for your brain, as you train your imagination, enrich your vocabulary and gain new knowledge.

Reading comics or a fiction book is not the way to cultivate your brain, what you should look for with reading is to focus, to know different visions, to learn to express yourself correctly and to learn to think precisely. A challenging book will further develop your intelligence.

Physical activity is another way to improve your intelligence, since doing exercises clears your mind, develops your imagination, and gives you more energy to think of new ideas and new ways to solve your problems.

Logical and analytical games

Putting together a good puzzle, solving crossword puzzles or the classic Sudoku will help exercise your intelligence, it is also a way to challenge your brain and force it to analyze possible solutions to the respective problems that these games pose.

 The most important thing about these games is that they help you look at a problem from different angles in order to solve it. Remember that an innate ability of successful businessmen and professionals knows how to “solve problems”.

Crossword puzzles – get you thinking and can keep your brain stimulated.Lumosity – There are specific brain training protocols on this website. Riddles that help you think and concentrate. Video games – Games like Brain Age and Big Brain Academy can help your cognition. Sudoku – This is a popular game that involves logic and numbers.

Tips to exercise your brain – Banco Industrial

Writing helps exercise your imagination, logic, and reasoning. An excellent motivational exercise is to write down both your goals and the dreams of your whole life and at the end of the day write down the activities you did to meet these goals.

There is a theory called the “Mozart Effect”, it basically states that the more you listen to classical music, like Beethoven, Chopin, Mozart and the like, the more you will develop your reasoning and logic.

Getting a good night’s sleep helps you focus and think clearly. Nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation.

You will find yourself more rejuvenated if you go to bed early and get at least 8 hours of sleep.

 If you go to bed late and wake up late, you’ll find yourself lethargic and having trouble concentrating. In addition, the most productive hours of the day are in the morning.

 Waking up early gives you more productive hours and maximizes your mental acuity throughout the day.

Keep the TV off

Don’t you feel exhausted after a couple of hours of television? Your eyes are getting sore and tired from being focused on the lightbox for so long. Even after watching TV you won’t have the energy to read a book.

TV can prevent you from getting the IQ you want because while you watch TV you don’t do other mental activities. Minimize your television moments.

Eat healthy

Meditation is known to help reduce stress, improve mood, and improve brain activity.

There are different types of meditation that can be practiced, but the one that has proven to be effective is “Transcendental Meditation”.

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