Home Improvement

The Holiday Party Professional Cleaning Checklist for Home and Office

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The holidays are a time when you’re expected to celebrate and have fun with family and friends. It can also be stressful, though, especially if you have an office party or social gathering that you need to clean up after before the next work day begins. This Professional cleaning services in El Paso checklist will help you stay on top of your holiday parties and make sure that everything is tidy when your guests go home at the end of the night.

Get Rid of Clutter

Cleaning up after a party is always the hardest part of hosting one. So, when you’re finished celebrating and it’s time for Professional cleaning services, make sure to get all the clutter out of your home or office as quickly as possible. This might be easier said than done if you have a lot of stuff lying around, but try not to procrastinate too long before tackling it—the more time that passes, the more likely you are to pack things away in places where they won’t be found.

Here’s how:

1) Start with the easy stuff first—look around your home or office and identify any items that can be easily put away or stored elsewhere. It will be much easier to find them now instead of later when you’re searching for something specific and don’t want to move anything else.

2) Set aside a box or two for donations if there are clothes, toys, household supplies, or other items that could go to someone who needs them.

3) Assign one person (or several people working together) the task of sorting through old files and papers looking for anything worth saving before throwing them out.

4) Go through each room in your house (and maybe even the garage/basement too), pick up any messes on floors, tabletops, countertops, etc., make beds, and clear dishes from tables so they can dry overnight.

Vacuum and Dust

Vacuum the floor in high-traffic areas. Dust all surfaces, including tops of furniture, ceiling fans, light fixtures, wall decor, door frames, and baseboards. Vacuum upholstery. Remove cobwebs from corners of the ceiling or window frames. Wipe down mirrors with a dry cloth. Wash windows inside and out if they are dirty or have fingerprints on them (or just clean them with glass cleaner if they are not too dirty).

Wash the Floors

It’s a good idea to wash the floors of your home or office after a holiday party. Especially if you spilled something on the floor, you’ll want to be sure to clean it up before someone slips. To wash the floors:

1) Use a cloth, sponge, or mop to wet the floor with water.

2) Pour dish soap onto the cloth, sponge, or mop and scrub any spots that need extra attention.

3) Rinse with water until there is no more soap on your floor.

4) Use a towel to dry off your floor.

Wash the Windows

1. Mix a solution of water and liquid dish soap in a bucket or spray bottle.

2. Wipe down the window with paper towels or a cloth to remove any dirt, dust, or grime.

3. Spray the window with your soapy water solution then wipe it clean with paper towels or a cloth until the windows are streak-free.

4. Use glass cleaner on stubborn stains then rinse them off with a wet towel to remove any soap residue from the surface of the glass before drying it off with another clean towel.

5A: For exterior windows, use an ammonia-free cleaner to prevent streaks from forming after drying.

Empty the Trash

1. Empty the Trash – make sure to remove everything from the can, including food scraps and coffee grounds that have been sitting in there all day.

2. Wipe Down the Countertops – using a disinfectant wipe or a wet cloth, wipe down any coffee spills, water spots, or food stains left on the countertops.

3. Sweep Up Food Crumbs – this is best done right after guests leave so you know where they’re coming from.

4. Vacuum – go over every inch of the carpet to pick up any stray crumbs or pet hair that might be on it while you’re at it!

5. Mop Up Spills – don’t forget to clean up any spilled liquid with a towel (or an absorbent paper towel).

Set Out Serving Pieces

If you’re hosting a party at your home, the table is a good place to start. Once the party is over, you’ll need to put everything away so that guests don’t come in contact with any germs. First, make sure all food containers are sealed before putting them in the refrigerator or trash can. It’s also important to take out all of the trash bags and put them in an outdoor garbage bin or dumpster. Finally, make sure no cups or utensils have been left out on counters or tables. That way, if anyone accidentally bumps into one of these things, later on, they won’t contaminate it with their germs by touching it again!

Put Out Candles

Candles are not just a cozy way to set the mood during winter festivities, they can also produce soot stains on ceilings, walls, and furniture. This is why it is important to put them out before you leave. There are two ways to do this: pour water into the dish or use a candle snuffer. For candles with multiple wicks, use the snuffer first before pouring the water into the dish; you want to be sure that all of the flames have been extinguished before moving on. If there is still some wax left over after using these methods, let it cool off and then carefully cut away at it with a butter knife or spatula until there is no more left.

Hang Up Mistletoe

Christmas is a time of year when mistletoe is seen in every home, on every doorway, and inside many a stocking. Whether you’re looking to hang up some mistletoe with your better half or want to ensure that it’s hanging over the door of your office space, there are many ways to keep it looking beautiful.

To do this, consider these four tips:

1. Keep the Mistletoe Away from Fluorescent Lighting

2. Keep the Mistletoe Away from High Temperatures (Especially Heating Systems)

3. Avoid Unnecessary Handling of the Mistletoe (i.e.: Don’t Drag Your Shoes Over It)

4. Rotate Where You Hang Up Your Mistletoe Each Year

Set the Table

The first thing to do before you clean up after a party is to set the table. This can be done by picking up all of the dishes, utensils, cups, and napkins from the floor where they were dropped or moved after use. Wipe down all the tables with a wet rag or paper towel, then dry them off with a dry cloth. Put away any trash that was left on the tables or in other locations around the room. Finally, take out any remaining food that might still be usable (if it’s not expired) and place it in airtight containers in your refrigerator or freezer so you don’t have to throw it away.

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