
The benefits of fiberglass insulation

It is not a subject which is discussed very often adding insulation to your home could have a significant impact on your home and one of the common material types is fiberglass insulated products for electrical components. A lot of home owners have gone on to opt for fiberglass as the material of their choice. Let us figure out the reasons why this has gone on to become a popular material in the last few decades or so.

It is fire-resistant and moisture resistant

There are numerous risks in owning a home that includes the property being damaged by a natural disaster. In both the cases of fire or flood you can rely on fiberglass insulation to resist these elements.

The material is not something that is waterproof since it may get damp or wet. Though it neither holds nor retains water that would make it easy to dry off and ensure that it is put right back in the attic. The fact of the matter is that fiberglass is adept at retaining moisture, which means that you do not have to worry about the growth of any materials on the same.

In addition, the material is also non-combustible as the process of insulating insulation requires the material to be lined up with wooden joists.

It a super easy to install

This is one of the popular forms of insulation and it has to be stated that it is super easy to install. There are some popular insulators that are a nightmare to set up, but the installation of this material turns out to be a relatively easy process.

On the other hand, the thermal performance of the fiberglass batts is going to drop considerably due to the wrong length or wrong installation. So it is widely suggested that you go on to avail the services of a professional as this would turn out to be a more viable material than foam. When you go with an insulation company you will find that it is properly installed.

It is an effective option

Fiberglass for attics would be at the top of the glass when it comes to any meaningful criteria. The moment you find that it is installed properly you are going to avail something meaningful

  • Performance- fiberglass is known to vary in thickness and density which indicates that the R-value would be in a higher range as well. Since it has an R-value of 4.3 that is good enough to match and exceed most of the competition that is available in the market.
  • Durability- in places where proper conditions are maintained, the material is going to last for 100 years without any form of maintenance. This is 20 times good enough when you compare it to any other materials that are available in the market.

To conclude not only the material is energy efficient, eco- friendly or cheap this works out to be a better choice than most of the other materials. In some of the cases you are going to find it under$ 1 per square foot.

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