
Professional Window Cleaner Perth | Here’s All You Should Know

window cleaning

Professional window cleaners in Perth can provide a variety of services to help keep your windows clean and clear. These services may include:

  • Exterior window cleaning: This involves using specialized tools and techniques to clean the outside of your windows, including the frames and sills.
  • Interior window cleaning: This involves cleaning the inside of your windows, including the frames and sills.
  • High-rise window cleaning: If you have windows that are difficult to reach, professional window cleaners may use specialized equipment such as scaffolding or cherry pickers to safely clean these areas.
  • Glass restoration: In addition to regular cleaning, professional window cleaners may also offer glass restoration services to remove scratches, stains, and other damage from your windows.
  • Solar panel cleaning: Many professional window cleaners also offer solar panel cleaning services to help keep your panels free of dirt and debris, which can impact their efficiency.

It’s important to choose a reputable and experienced professional window cleaner in Perth to ensure the job is done safely and to a high standard. You may want to ask for references or check online reviews before hiring a window cleaner.

What Is The Payscale Of Window Cleaner Perth?

The pay scale for window cleaners in Perth, Australia may vary depending on a number of factors such as the size of the company, the level of experience and expertise of the window cleaner, and the type of job or contract. Here is a general overview of what you may expect to earn as a window cleaner in Perth:

Entry-level window cleaners: 

If you are just starting out as a window cleaner, you may earn an hourly wage of around $20 to $25 per hour. Some companies may also offer a salary package that includes superannuation (a government-mandated retirement savings plan) and other benefits.

Experienced window cleaners: 

With more experience and a proven track record of high-quality work, you may be able to negotiate a higher pay rate. Experienced window cleaners may earn an hourly wage of $30 to $35 per hour or more, depending on the type of work and the demand for their services.

Specialised window cleaners:

 If you have specialised skills or expertise in areas such as high-rise window cleaning or working with heavy machinery, you may be able to command a higher pay rate. Specialised window cleaners may earn an hourly wage of $40 per hour or more.

Self-employed window cleaners: 

If you are self-employed and running your own window cleaning business, your pay will depend on the amount of work you are able to secure, as well as your business expenses and overhead costs.Some self-employed window cleaners may charge an hourly rate of $50 or more for their services.

It’s worth noting that the pay scale for window cleaners in Perth may vary based on the specific employer, the location of the job, and the individual worker’s level of experience and expertise. It’s always a good idea to negotiate a fair wage with your employer based on your skills and experience, as well as the specific requirements of the job.

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