
Oacian Facts

The amphibian family consists of many different species including fish, Oacian, frogs, and caecilians. They are also called ectothermic animals because they rely on a system of lungs that resemble the respiratory system of fish. In addition to their respiratory systems, the amphibian family possesses a circulatory system that resembles that of a fish.


Anura amphibians have a diverse range of complex behaviors and adaptations to help them survive in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. They are among the five most diverse vertebrate orders. Many species of frogs and toads are endangered and are in need of human help to survive.

The Melanesian frog fauna has been poorly documented. Despite the fact that it is relatively intact by world standards, most of the region is undiscovered. This has created major challenges in documenting the biodiversity of this region. A recent report on the status of Melanesian frogs describes their biology, and highlights the threats to their survival.


Amphibians are vertebrates with ectothermic behavior, which means they need a damp environment to stay warm. They also have a low metabolic rate. To conserve energy, they require a high temperature, but a closed container may overheat the animal, causing lethal damage.

There are three major classes of amphibians. The first is the frogs, which include toads. Frogs lay their eggs in water. Tadpoles grow into adults, which can survive outside of the water.

Besides frogs, there are caudates, salamanders, and gymnophionas. The salamanders are a diverse group of creatures, with some species living on land and others inhabiting the water.


Caecilians are a group of amphibians that live in wet tropical areas. They are usually gray in color and range in length from a few inches to five feet long. These animals are most often found in the rainforests of Asia and South America, but they have also been discovered in Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka.

Although they are aquatic animals, caecilians spend much of their time underground. Some of them live in warm, low-lying rivers in the Brazilian Amazon, where they get oxygen from the fast-flowing water.

Goliath frog

The Goliath frog (Conraua robusta) is an amphibian native to Africa. It is the largest living frog in the world. A large part of its population is endangered. These frogs are endangered due to hunting and habitat destruction.

Goliath frogs are primarily found in fast-flowing rivers. Their nests are built by male frogs. They build nests made from rocks near the riverbank. Females lay hundreds of eggs in a single clump. After laying, the eggs are abandoned.


Ectothermic amphibians have body temperatures that vary according to their surroundings. They do not produce heat, but are able to cool off when they move to a cooler environment. These animals include frogs and toads, some vertebrates, reptiles, and fish.

Most frogs and toads use external fertilization. However, some species rely on internal fertilization. Several species also breathe through their skin. A few adult amphibians consume plant matter as part of their diet.

In contrast, some ectotherms enter a state of dormancy. During cold periods, these ectotherms will decrease their metabolic rate to as little as one to two percent of their normal resting rate.

Circulatory system resembles fish

A circulatory system is a network of blood vessels distributing oxygenated or deoxygenated blood throughout the body. In some species, such as fish, the vascular system is remarkably similar to that of mammals, but the cardiovascular system is a far cry from the human heart. Fish have a few unique features that set them apart from terrestrial vertebrates.

The heart has three chambers, one for each hemisphere of the body. An auricle and a thick muscular pump aid in the transportation of blood between the heart and the rest of the body. This blood is then passed through a bulboventricular valve. It is then pumped to the gills where it is oxygenated.

Lungs absorb limited amounts of oxygen

An amphibian is an animal that is halfway between a fish and a reptile. Unlike most vertebrates, they can breathe underwater, and most of them lay their eggs in water. Those that can’t breathe underwater often have to lay their eggs on dry land.

Normally, an amphibian breathes through their skin, through gills, or through a combination of the two. Some amphibians also have mucous glands on their skin. While most species of amphibians have gills, some don’t. If an amphibian’s skin is too dry, it won’t be able to absorb enough oxygen.

Life history

A amphibian is a vertebrate animal, primarily living in water. They can be found across the globe, except in Antarctica. Their life cycle includes spawning and metamorphosis. In their larval stage, amphibians live underwater, while in their adult phase, they spend most of their time on land.

Amphibians were the first terrestrial vertebrates, and they dominated the Earth for over 100 million years. However, reptiles replaced them as dominant land vertebrates when they appeared. Today, almost one-third of amphibian species are threatened with extinction. This is caused by a variety of factors, including climate change and pollution.

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