
Is IVF painful process?

Ovulation calculator calculates fertile ovulation days by counting down 14 days from the first day of your last period. If your cycle lasts 28 days, your next period should start 28 days after the first day of your last period.

What is the fertile period?

First, “What does the fertile period mean?” We start with the question. The fertile period covers the period from the time you start menstruating to the time you best ivf center in Pakistan enter menopause. During this period, there are times when fertility increases and decreases. However, because you continue to ovulate, you are in your fertile period.

Fertility in women is being able to conceive and have a baby. Fertility in a woman begins around the age of 13 with the onset of menstruation and usually ends around age 45. But potentially fertility lasts until about age 51, or menopause.

The number of eggs a girl has when she is 5 months old in the mother’s womb is approximately 6-7 million, this number drops to 1-2 million at birth. it does. These eggs are stored inside the ovaries in fluid-filled spaces called follicles. When the little girl enters the childbearing age, monthly menstrual cycles (menstruation) begin. During each cycle, the ovary develops an egg. Rarely, there may be more than one. If this egg combines with the sperm cell from the man, pregnancy occurs.

The development of the egg cell depends on the fine balance of certain hormones and chemicals secreted from the ovaries and regions of the brain called the hypothalamus and pituitary.

Fertility in men. It means the ability to get a woman pregnant. In order to provide this. It is necessary for the male reproductive system to be able to produce and store sperm, and for these stored sperm to be transported out of the body.

Although the woman is born with egg cells that she will produce throughout her life, the man has the ability to constantly produce new sperm throughout his life. Male. After reaching puberty. sperm stores are renewed approximately every 72 days.

Fertilization: Sperm and ovum come together to unite

Conception: The occurrence of pregnancy (fertilization)

Pregnancy: After the union of the ovum and sperm. Development of the embryo or fetus in the female reproductive system.

Humans begin life as a single cell, fertilized egg, or zygote. In the nuclei of each of these cells, there are information codes called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that come together to form genes. These genes form structures called chromosomes.

A human zygote contains 46 chromosomes, consisting of 23 pairs. Half of them come from the father and the other half from the mother.

In addition to being stored with information, DNA also has the ability to replicate itself. Without this ability to copy, cells cannot reproduce and transmit information across generations.


Smoking can reduce fertility in women. Passive smoking works the same way. The nicotine ingested by smoking affects the cells in the ovaries, causing the woman’s egg to be more prone to genetic anomalies. Nicotine can cause the menopause to come earlier ivf than expected, as well as disrupting the egg cells. The ovaries of women who smoke before menopause become resistant to producing healthy eggs. Smoking makes it difficult to conceive naturally and accelerates miscarriage. It is reported that the rate of miscarriage is high in women who use cigarettes and alcohol during pregnancy.

A link has also been shown between smoking and reduced sperm quality in men, and its effect on fertility is not yet clear. It is clear that quitting smoking will improve the quality of health in general.

If you smoke, we recommend that you quit for your entire life and reproductive health.


The effect of stress on infertility is evident. For example, anovulation (non-ovulation) may occur in women due to stress. It is very clear that infertility treatment, whether ivf with classical or in vitro fertilization methods, can cause various degrees of psychological pressure on couples such as great stress, anxiety, tension, fear, insomnia, boredom, depression..

clogged tubes

In order to get pregnant, the sperm and egg must meet in the fallopian tubes. If there is a problem in the permeability of these tubes, the sperm cannot fertility center lahore reach the egg and fertilization will not occur.

Problems in the uterus

Infections in the cervix and uterine secretion disorders can cause fertility problems.

In addition, surgical interventions applied to the uterus can also be a cause of infertility.


Inflammation and infection of the lining of the uterus is called endometritis. The bacteria that cause this infection initially reproduce in the lining of the ivf uterus. They then spread outside the lining of the uterus, into the ovaries and pelvic veins.

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