Digital Marketing

How Your Visual Marketing Assets Can Boost SEO

Visual marketing assets are a fantastic way to boost your SEO as per professional seo company Gold Coast

In this article, I’ll cover how you can use images, videos and infographics to improve your SEO. We’ll also talk about other tools you can use on your site to make sure all of your visual marketing assets go far beyond just being pretty pictures!

Offer to provide influencers and publications with imagery.

In order to get the word out about your company, you have to make connections with others. If you’re trying to get more people on board with what you’re doing and how they can help, offering free assets is a great way of building relationships with influencers who might want to share them or use them in an article or video.

If someone else has already done all of the hard work for their content marketing efforts, chances are good that their target audience will be familiar with the brand’s visual assets. 

Providing these assets as part of a partnership agreement (or simply giving them away) opens up new avenues for collaboration and promotion between companies—and could even lead up to actual collaborations down the line!

Optimize your alt tags.

Alt tags are a great way, as per professional seo company Gold Coast to improve the accessibility of your content. They tell search engines what kind of image they are, and they help users who may not be able to see it (i.e., those with disabilities) understand what they’re looking at.

Alt tags also help with SEO because they can help Google understand the purpose of your page better than just text alone would allow—for example, if an image has alt= “image” set as its title attribute but doesn’t have any other text indicating its purpose or context, then all that information would go missing in some way or another when crawling through pages on Google Search results pages (SERPs).

professional seo company Gold Coast

Use Reverse Image Search to identify backlink opportunities.

A reverse image search is a great way to find images on other sites with the same image. Simply type in your keyword, and you’ll be able to see all of the results that have been associated with it.

If you want to identify which sites are using an image for their branding but don’t want to go through each one manually (and waste hours doing so), a reverse image search is a quick way to do so! 

For example: if I were looking at an infographic about how important social media marketing is for businesses today—and wanted more ideas on how they could get started—I could use a reverse image search on my own website or another company’s site that featured similar content as mine (or maybe even had similar topics).

In order for this technique to work well, though, both parties need reciprocal sharing agreements between them; otherwise, there will be no way of identifying who owns specific shots/images without going back through everything again later in line development stages.

Submit image and video site maps.

Create a sitemap for your site and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools. This is an important part of creating a solid SEO strategy because it helps Google know how much content you have and what type of content you have so that it can better understand the context of a search query. 

If you don’t have a sitemap yet, go ahead and create one now! You can use XML Sitemaps or HTML Sitemaps (or both). Some people prefer using video sitemaps since they allow for richer navigation than text-only options do; if this sounds like something that would work well for your business, then, by all means, go ahead with this option as well!


The most important takeaway from this post is that the visual marketing assets you create can help your SEO efforts. As per professional seo company Gold Coast they don’t have to be fancy or complicated—they just need to be done well! 

With the right images, videos and other media, you can create content that people will want to share with their friends and family on social networks like Facebook or Twitter. In turn, these shares can drive more traffic back toward your website and help boost rankings on Google

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