
How to Make Short Notes for Competition Exams?

After college, many students choose to take the Competitive Exam, but some of them are scared off by the vast amount of material they must read to pass the test. They struggle with learning all the material and, especially, with reviewing it just before the exam. “Note Making” is the simplest and most recommended way to learn the material on the syllabus. Almost everyone takes Short Notes, and only a few know the best way to do it. Here, you can find some tips on how to study for competitive exams.

Tips to Make Short Notes for Competition Exams:

First Read, No Notes:

When reading a book for the first time, sitting alone with a pencil and simply going through it, reading it as if it were a story, understanding and highlighting all the significant concepts and formulas you come across. Do not take small notes for Competitive Exam during the first reading since you must first become acquainted with the text and only you can determine what is significant and what is not.

Make a Discipline:

When taking brief notes, make sure to stick to a certain subject and not take notes all over the place. Your notes must be properly and consistently organised in one file or notebook, either specific topic or topic-wise, depending on your preferences. Making erroneous notes will cause you problems. As you will have to spend some time hunting for all of the notes before revising. If you are concerned about the quality of the work, then you can look to hire someone to take my online exam. Online Class King can help you with a guarantee and never compromise quality, it has professionals who are devoted, knowledgeable, and well-qualified.

Don’t Copy:

During your study time, you shouldn’t directly copy from the book into your notes. If you do that, you’ll lose the point and may end up just making a copy of the book you were learning. This is why you can’t make notes on the first read. You need to first understand the idea, and then try to write it in your own words using about half as many words as the books do.

Don’t Use Colourful Pens:

While there is no requirement to use ten different types of pens, at least two colours must be utilised, since this will aid you in revising the themes afterward. The mind is depicted in such a manner that objects throughout your Competitive Exam Preparation are separated using different colours or specific features that it remembers better.


Writing is the best way to make short notes for the Competitive Exam, but making diagrams like trees, cyclic, arrows, hierarchy, or mind maps is always a plus. These pictures help you understand the topics better and help you remember them better for the exam.

Make Use of Abbreviations:

If you have trouble remembering information, reduce the words by removing little linking words. To identify the most significant points, use capitals, boxes, and italics, as well as underlining and highlighting.

The Linear Technique:

This is probably the most typical method of taking notes. These are serious attention while watching a lecture in the classroom, participating in conversations, or organising ideas. Use a large margin between subjects so that you may add fresh material afterward.

The Structure is Important:

Write the explanations and summaries down in short, clear sentences. Don’t write long, complicated sentences because they are more difficult to remember. Your notes should address the topic’s What-When-Why-How, essential highlights, principles, concepts, supporting facts, and theories.

Make Use of Sticky Notes:

When it comes to current events, there are frequently fresh developments; thus, rather than rewriting the notes, you should add sticky notes that summarise the changes.

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