
How Can Fleet Management System Optimise Ambulance Fleets

How Can Fleet Management System Optimise Ambulance Fleets

Having to maintain an ambulance fleet can present several challenges. This is why several healthcare fleet businesses are investing in fleet management systems for optimisation and easy decision making. It allows them to make their vehicles efficient. 

But before we get to the optimisation strategies, let us understand the issues of having an ambulance fleet. This will give us a better understanding of the ways a fleet management software’s features can be of help. 

What challenges do ambulance fleets face?

So what issues does this industry face? Here are some that come to mind:

  • Unplanned Trips: The fleet businesses need to be prepared for the trips their ambulances will embark upon. But manually deciding routes for all of them is next to impossible. It can lead to several errors and flaws, increasing time efficiency. 
  • Lacking Contact: The contact between managers and employees is very poor with medical fleets. This bad communication can lead to unclear instruction, ultimately causing harm to the fleet’s clientele. Poor communication can cause the fleet business’ productivity to plummet as well. 
  • Low Visibility: Without the help of technology, managers do not know where their vehicles are. This means that assigning them tasks is difficult and complicated. They cannot judge which vehicle is closest to the manager. 
  • High Operation Cost: Running an ambulance fleet is very expensive. From fuel costs to high repair costs for the vehicle, it can be damaging to the business budgeting. This is why it is very important that the fleet turns to automation of optimisation. 

How can fleet management software help?

So how does the fleet management system help the healthcare industry optimise its ambulance service? Here are some features that can prove to be useful:

  • Route planning system: This solution allows managers to pre-plan routes for their vehicles. Features like geofence ensure that managers are able to track their vehicle’s activities a lot better.
  • Real-time Tracking: managers can see the real-time activities of their vehicles. Thus, dispatching vehicles closest to the patient’s location becomes a lot easier 
  • Fuel Monitoring: Fuel monitoring solutions ensure that the fleet does not fall prey to wasteful activities. Drainage and refill alerts let managers know when the fuel tank is filled or emptied out, reducing any chance of pilferage as well.
  • Service and Maintenance: vehicles need to stay in good shape to perform well during transportation. This is why managers need to ensure that their vehicles go through regular check-ups. This system allows them to schedule their servicing in advance, eliminating the chances of accidentally ignoring their maintenance procedures.


Having an ambulance fleet can be daunting. After all, managers must ensure that no patient experiences discomfort due to proper management. This is why investing in a fleet management system can be the best course of action for businesses. They can ensure that their fleet business is at the top of its game at all times.

Meet TrackoBit, the leading gps tracking system in the market. Its robust solutions make it easier for managers to optimise their fleet operations. Try out a demo and see how the system changes your fleet business for the better.

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