
Hoodoo Psychic Brother Christopher

nice to meet you! My name is Brother Christopher. I was born in Southern California, raised in Christian Science, and attended the only Christian Science College in the United States. As a child, my parents encouraged me to pray, turn my attention to God, and understand Him through the work of our great teacher and guide, Jesus Christ. During my teenage years of doubt and struggle, I reconnected with God through new thought inspiration, neopaganism, and solitary magic. I did this alone for years until I joined Pride. This enabled me to find a high priest who later introduced me to the Minoan Brotherhood and elevated me to high priesthood in that tradition a few years later. I have met many human and spiritual leaders of A friend introduced me to a correspondence course on Lucky Mojo and Muscat, which I completed in 2008. This course has completely changed my approach to spells, magic and rituals.
As I grew up, one of the words my mother often repeated was that I was a reflection of God, the perfect spirit of God, and that I could embody it. It first manifested itself in the ability to know the outcome of a coin toss at a sporting event, and I became very popular in youth sports. They often told people of their shock and amazement when they found themselves in the street.This talent was combined with psychic talents such as clairvoyance, intuition, clairaudience, true dreaming, and dream interpretation. , has been extended over time. My curiosity about these gifts delves deeper into spiritual practices such as meditation, mediumship through seances, spiritual healing, subtle energies, runes, tarot, playing cards, geomancy, pendulums, divination and divination through casting. led me to You can also cast spells using candles, oils, powders, incense, herbs, and baths. I love candle charms and have searched many sources to expand my knowledge of candle making, figurative candles, and moving candle charms. As a reader, I try to tell the truth, all the truth, and only the truth, not sugarcoating the consequences of possible bad news. My philosophy is that forewarning is forewarning, so that you can be prepared for the consequences, even if you can’t always change what’s about to happen.
I believe that the greatest work a person can have is to strive for wisdom. My own quest for wisdom has helped provide keen insight into what kinds of spiritual work can help a situation. They can help you with any kind of work and will help you with the work if you ask for it.

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