
Government Jobs in Pakistan Jobs in Islamabad

Government Jobs

Government Jobs in Pakistan are available in all walks of life. You can become a police officer, a doctor, a lawyer or any other career field that rewards skills and industry knowledge. If you are looking for government jobs in Pakistan, we have great news for you — there are a lot of opportunities for you here as well. There are many departments that recruit employees directly from the public sector universities (PSU) and other educational institutes. The quality of these jobs is very high and they offer fairly good wages. So if you are willing to work for the greater good, then apply today for one of these government job vacancies. Similar to many other countries, the government in Pakistan has been experiencing an unprecedented demand. For civil servants in recent years due to the country’s rapid growth and urbanization. As a result, there is an increasing number of vacant government jobs in Islamabad as well as other major Pakistani cities.

Police Jobs in Pakistan

The Pakistan Police is amongst the best employers in the world. It has the highest number of graduates serving the public sector in Pakistan, with over 80% of them finding employment as police officers. The force is also equipped with the best technologies and has one of the best reputation across the globe. However, the number of police officers is much less than the current demand. In order to meet the rising demand, the government has established police training institutes across the country.

Bachelors Degrees or Masters in Public Administration

Many youths are interested in public administration and management but can’t get into the more selective programs at universities. In such cases, they may prefer to take up govt jobs in Pakistan as a stepping stone to a more rewarding career. The Bachelors Degrees or Masters in Public Administration are perfect for those who are interested in working for the government. But don’t particularly enjoy the hustle and bustle of a normal job. Most public administration programs require at least a bachelor’s degree, and some even require a Masters degree. In addition to the subjects that are core to the job, many programs also include areas of economy, business management and public interest.

Defense Services Jobs

The Pakistan Army is the second largest employer in the country, after the government. However, it employs a much smaller percentage of the total workforce as compared to the government. This is because the army is expected to maintain a high level of readiness 24/7 365 days a year. Which includes hiring additional employees for government jobs. The army also has the responsibility of providing for the security of the country, which includes maintaining law and order and combating terrorism.

Health and Medical Services Jobs

This is a relatively new field in Pakistan, and as a result there are very few latest government jobs in Pakistan. However, with the growing number of people living with disabilities, the healthcare sector is experiencing an increase in demand. This is because, as the name suggests, this sector deals with the provision of medical and health services to the general populace.

Tourism and Culture Departmental Posts

This is a relatively new field in Pakistan, and as a result there are very few government jobs in Pakistan it. However, with the growing number of people visiting historic places and trying out new cuisine. Tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in the country. There are many tourist attractions in Pakistan. And one of the most popular ones is the Bamiyah Ruins in ruins of which the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have been buried. The ruins are also sacred and are off limits to the public.

Environment Departmental Posts

This is a relatively new field in Pakistan, and as a result there are very few government jobs in it. However, with the growing number of people living in cities and congested roads. The field of environment has become one of the top priorities for the government. There is a great deal of environmental pollution in cities such as Islamabad and Lahore. The government is trying to remove the toxins from the air through various initiatives.


If you are interested in working for the government in Pakistan, there are a variety of opportunities as listed above. However, to get the best possible job, you need to be versatile. Capable of working under pressure and have the right mindset to take on challenges. In other words, you need to be willing to work hard and be tenacious in your pursuit of promotion.

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