
Easy steps to Create Custom Lipstick boxes that Suit Your Brand

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One of the most important parts of your makeup business is to make sure that you are creating a memorable brand that stands out in the crowd. One of the ways to do this is by creating custom packaging to give your products an edge over other brands that only sell their products in generic boxes that everyone else uses. Customizing your packaging can take your business to the next level, so it’s important to know how to design custom lipstick boxes correctly. Follow these easy steps below and you’ll be on your way to creating eye-catching, effective custom lipstick packaging in no time!

Draw your box

Once you have decided upon your business idea, you are ready to think about how it will be packaged. If you are going to be creating lipstick boxes for sale, you will want to start drawing designs for your packaging. The size of your lipstick box packaging depends on what style of lipstick case you choose to use. You should always draw out a rough design before going through with any project. Doing so allows designers to experiment and make changes as they go along. Keep in mind that many people purchase custom lip balm boxes in bulk, so make sure your design is simple enough to scale up or down as needed.

Cut and Fold the Box

Now for creating custom lipstick packaging you have to decide which type of box you want to make. There are three main shapes: round, square, and rectangular. Once you’ve picked a shape, cut out four identical pieces. The height and width of your custom lipstick packaging boxes will depend on what kind of tube you are using (round or square). If you have a template for your tubes already printed, hold it up to see if one of your pieces fits inside. You can also fold each piece into thirds like an accordion and tape them together; put them in a tube to see how well it fits. When you’re happy with how your pieces fit, trim off any excess paper from around the edges so that they match perfectly.

Adhere Lid

Once you have all of your paper, envelope, and adhesive strips ready, it’s time to adhere it all together. Carefully peel off one of your self-adhesive strips and attach it to one side of your lid. Make sure you center it as well as you can, so you don’t end up with an uneven finish later on. (If possible, turn it over before sticking it down so you can make sure both sides are lined up.) Peel another strip from its backing paper and place it directly on top of your first strip. If your box is a bit too small for both strips to fit perfectly in line on one side, don’t panic! Just be careful not to rip any parts while placing it.

Print and Apply your Labels

The custom lipstick packaging is a great way to present your products and can make a big impact on your brand. However, one mistake many business owners make is simply buying generic boxes from office supply stores and applying their own stickers. This means you’re paying extra for stock boxes and printing supplies. Not to mention it will take time and you will be running away from running your business in order to print labels. If you want custom wholesale lip balm packaging boxes with unique branding and professional appeal, it’s important to work with a design firm that can help create label templates that fit seamlessly with your other marketing materials, like social media graphics or product packaging.

Read More: A Fascinating Manner of Advertising Your Beauty Products

Assemble the Box

Once your design is complete, it’s time to assemble your custom lipstick packaging. You can do so by printing out a template and cutting and taping it together. That being said, if you don’t have access to a printer, it’s also possible to buy inexpensive cardboard boxes from craft stores or online retailers, as well as shipping supplies such as tape from office supply stores (or order at an office supply store). All of these materials should be readily available in your area and can be brought home with little effort.


Creating custom lipstick boxes and lip balms is a great way to promote your brand and make sure your customers remember you. It can also help with sales: If people see that a product is unique or custom-made, they’re more likely to buy it. And creating eye-catching packaging can be as simple as taking advantage of one of Staples’ custom printing services. When it comes to making sure that your logo stands out, nothing beats high-quality full-color printing on glossy paper—so if you need boxes for lip balms or lipstick packaging, get in touch with custom lipstick packaging!

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