
Black Gums: A Symptom Of Gum Hyperpigmentation

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It may not be very well known, but hundreds of thousands of people have black gums also known as gum hyperpigmentation. As the name suggests, the most common symptom is dark black spots or blotches on the gums. Black gums are an indication of excess melanin, which usually develops after some sort of trauma to the gums such as trauma caused by tooth bleaching or overbleaching with lasers and other teeth whitening products. This condition has become popular among Hollywood stars and models because it makes them look younger and more attractive.

What Are Black Gums?

Black gums are one of a number of symptoms related to what doctors refer to as gum hyperpigmentation. Although it may sound like an extreme term, it is just a way for dentists to describe a collection of milder conditions and symptoms. In other words, a person with dark gums has darkened tissue within their mouth. This can range from brownish-yellow blotches on their gums, also known as black spots or dark stains on teeth, and even overall discoloration around areas in which there are no teeth. When gum hyperpigmentation occurs, areas that lack dental work can look darker than those with dental work.

Why Do They Occur?

Dark gums are a symptom of gum hyperpigmentation, a condition characterized by uneven skin pigmentation on areas such as lips and cheeks. Although it can affect many other parts of your body including your neck, breasts, arms, and hands, it is most common around your mouth. This condition is largely due to sun damage from unprotected sun exposure but can be triggered by skin-darkening products or medications. Without proper treatment, dark gums can spread over time. Fortunately, there are several ways to help treat them safely so you can smile with confidence again.

How Can They Be Treated?

Black gums can be treated in many ways, from over-the-counter solutions to more costly surgical procedures. Make sure to talk with your dentist about what treatment options are best for you. One common approach is bleaching using peroxide or laser treatments. Be aware that results aren’t always permanent and treatments don’t work as well on darker skin tones. If your black gums aren’t bothering you too much, there’s no rush to treat them—your body will get rid of them naturally within a few months. However, if they have caused pain or made it difficult to eat, you might want to treat them sooner rather than later.

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Tips For Preventing Black Gums From Coming Back:

After treating your gums, it’s important to find ways to maintain healthy gums so that they don’t return to their hyperpigmented state. Black gums typically indicate a problem with low salivary flow or dry mouth, both of which can be exacerbated by poor oral hygiene. To keep your gums looking and feeling healthy, follow these tips: First and foremost, brush twice daily and floss regularly. Also, try some natural remedies for dry mouth (like chewing gum), as well as get regular dental cleanings every six months—your dentist may even recommend additional treatments like fluoride treatments or prescription medication if necessary. Finally, avoid smoking or using nicotine products (it doesn’t matter if you use e-cigarettes or smokeless tobacco). Why?

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