
Best Use Cases of BCI and EEG Technologies

EEG (electroencephalogram) based BCI (brain-computer interface) technology is popularly known as the technique that uses electrodes for measuring brain activity. It then converts the recorded brain signals into machine-learning algorithms.

When the algorithm matches a suitable EEG activity, the BCI transmits external commands to control computer peripherals. In short, the interface enables direct communication between the brain and the device to be controlled.

The article summarizes the application areas of BCI and EEG technologies and explains how these concepts are transforming different industry domains.

Applications of BCI and EEG

Often referred to as mind-reading technology, the brain-computer interface utilizes a number of devices to read brain signals. is a leading developer of EEG and BCI solutions. Let’s now move on to some of the use cases of BCI.

  • Neurological Rehabilitation

The brain-computer interface devices are meant to help individuals with motor disabilities operate digital devices through brain signals. Users with neurological disorders can control computer peripherals or prosthetic limbs using EEG signals.

  • Communication

The main focus of the BCI researchers is on restoring communication. For the purpose of communication restoration, the researchers are testing EEG-based BCI systems including slow cortical potentials, sensorimotor rhythms, and P300 event-associated potential.

  • Gaming

Using BCI assistive devices, individuals with neuromuscular impairment can enjoy the gameplay. The BCI software applications translate commands from the EEG data into instructions that gaming programs can understand.

  • Medical

The brain-computer interface is playing a significant role in various fields of healthcare ranging from prevention, detection and diagnosis to rehabilitation and restoration. By detecting brain activity, neurological experts can prevent the occurrence of mental disorders.

  • Education

The BCI devices and EEG technology help determine the state of the brain of the user by recording neural signals. After detecting the user workload, the technology helps education providers to adapt to the difficulty levels of the academic exercises.

Buy EEG Solutions from BrainAccess

Are you looking to buy the most responsive and accurate EEG-based BCI solutions? BrainAccess Standard Kit is an AI-enabled device that includes:

  • Battery-powered Bluetooth-enabled electroencephalograph featuring 8 input channels.
  • An EEG cap with dry-contact electrodes helps make it configurable.
  • A software that includes libraries for accessing EEG data and controlling devices.

You may click here to learn more about the product and its features.

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