
Best Resources You Know as a WordPress Developer

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From great repositories and resource frameworks to free courses and proper interview preparation: In this article we provide you with a lot of material to improve your workflow as a developer - both in general and with WordPress and to advance your career.
Gutenberg Toolkit for building blocks

The subtitle of this repo is "A zero-configuration development toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg plugins block" and that's exactly what it does. It allows you to develop Gutenberg blocks without having to deal with the configuration of React, Webpack, Babel, etc. With just three command lines, you can get started with your real project in less than two minutes.

Personally, I like the documentation to be clear. And that works great and easily in Box .

GenerateWP - WordPress Code Generator

When it comes to creating custom WordPress themes and plugins, there are some tedious tasks that just need to be done: for example, registering a custom_post_type with all the capabilities, queries, API endpoints, and more.

With this handy toolbox you can generate many custom cutouts for your project. It always uses the latest WordPress coding standards and APIs, so you have at least one less thing to worry about.

The official WordPress core entries

Being active in WordPress is a win-win situation: on the one hand, of course, because you support a free product. On the other hand, you learn a lot when you work on the core of the software yourself and thus develop WordPress more every day.

You will also be able to develop better WordPress themes, plugins and applications in your professional life. And if you take care of the open questions about WordPress core, you will also meet many friendly and interesting members of the community.

WordPress muPlugins
Best resource to compare free plugins for your WordPress Website. This is the best blog for the beginners. If you want to recieve interesting news and updates related to the WordPress Plugins and Themes so muPlugins WordPress blog will provide you updated news about WordPress as well.

WordPress Plugin Template Generator

Developing a plugin is definitely fun. But the subsequent configuration can be a pain and depending on the size and complexity of the plugin, quite extensive. Especially if you follow the best practices below (which you definitely should). It is exactly what this tool is designed for.

The template is based on the plugin's API, coding rules, and documentation rules. So all you have to do is enter a unique name for your plugin, your slug, and your author information, and you're good to go.

These all are the best resources for you as a developer

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