Barriers and Challenges of Smart Buildings Projects"> Barriers and Challenges of Smart Buildings Projects - Techcrums

Barriers and Challenges of Smart Buildings Projects

The creation and application of technologies, tools, and methods based on integrated and comprehensive approaches has been critical for integrating smart buildings with the urban environment and creating a smarter and more sustainable built environment. Are you looking for the flats for sale in Islamabad? Barriers associated with innovation and technology that impede smart building projects coexist to structural barriers in an Industry 4.0 context. Based on extensive and detailed bibliographic research and the perspectives of professionals with experience in the subject, we identify the main obstacles to developing smart building projects in this work. In accordance with the findings, 23 barriers identified in the literature were deem important by survey respondents, with five being deem the most significant.


Several works on smart buildings have been published in recent decades. The singularities discovered in smart buildings demonstrate that the project team may encounter obstacles and challenges while designing, building, and operating. The flats for sale are available in Cloud Tower-1 in a pre-launch phase. It is the complete residential smart building full of amenities located at the G-Block of B-17 Islamabad

The term “smart buildings” first appeared in the 1980s; however, there is no agreement on a definition that encompasses all of the characteristics required for a building to be consider smart (Omar, 2018). In addition to this factor, the increasing development of technologies (Wong et al., 2005) allows for the incorporation of a wide range of systems into the building (Paek & Sojková, 2018), which can make them more expensive (Qolomany et al., 2019; Wong et al., 2005) and more complex to manage (Yang et al., 2021).

Barriers and Challenges:

Obstacles to the adoption of smart building concepts and technologies Several obstacles may impede the use of smart building ideas and technologies in large scale social housing developments. The adoption of smart building standards and concepts in large cities is complicate by urban sprawl, particularly from informal settlements, and the need to provide housing for so many people. This section discusses these barriers as well as the writings surrounding them. Edwards and Grinter (2001) were the first researchers to contribute to a better understanding of the major barriers to the adoption of smart concepts and technologies in homes, and thus in Attributes. Some of the highlighted barriers are:

• Solar system installation safety requirements, taking into account people (users, installers, concessionaires, etc.) and installations. 

• High investments for micro and small electricity generators, given the efficiency limitations imposed by size (combustion generators) or the low load factor associated with intermittent sources (photovoltaic solar and wind). This implies a higher installed Megawatt/hour cost than for large plants.

• Regulatory sphere: Supply of excess electric energy to low-voltage distribution grids, as well as non-regulate of the distributor’s role in this situation and compensation for this excess electricity. 

•how small generators and concessionaires will feel responsible for distribution system and third-party equipment damage. 

•The costs of system operation and maintenance will be shared.

Problems with availability of skilled and specialized jobs: 

The application of techniques and technological materials necessitates the use of skilled and specialised labour. Working with these technologies necessitates the acquisition of new computer and telecommunications knowledge. The demand for specialised jobs extends beyond the sale of technology. It necessitates the integration of technologies into bundles of smart building solution packages, which necessitates specialised services from a wide range of professionals. This necessitates a workforce with a basic level of education in this field. Labour supply with these characteristics is limit (i.e., Brazil has much less engineers per inhabitant compared to Korea, Japan, China and the USA). Another factor is the workforce’s quality, which requires improvements in technological and technical education systems.

Infrastructure costs for smart grid platforms, systems, and interfaces

The installation of a smart grid system includes the replacement of residential smart meters. The installation of a secure communications platform, as well as systems and interfaces, will incur additional costs. However, ANEEL, It electrical energy regulatory agency, only recognizes smart meter costs. It is critical to be clear about how these costs will be share. In addition to the high cost of the infrastructure to be install, local industry must produce these new technologies in Brazil, which necessitates a regulatory environment that encourages such investments.

Low consumption of energy

The average household electric consumption in the United States is around 11.700 kWh per year, compared to 1.850 kWh per year. Electric consumption in social housing is estimate to be even lower, at around 1.200 kWh per year. Differences in household size and electrification rates can explain this disparity. Despite the fact it l has a large number of residential consumers (approximately 45 million), social housing is estimate to account for 50% of total residential consumer units. As a result, consumption per capita remains very low, reflecting the consumers’ socioeconomic circumstances. Because of the low residential energy consumption rates, electricity utility companies, paradoxically, have little interest in smart technologies for this market. The apartments for sale in B-17 Islamabad are build in a smart way to save the energy. Energy resources are declining day by day and it is our all-moral duty to save these resources.

Energy micro generation market 

Although solar photovoltaic energy generation has a comparative advantage in Brazil, few projects have been implement, and generation capacity is limit due to the country’s geographic location. However, due to a series of recent events, such as the prolonged drought that stressed It water supply and energy matrix (roughly 75%-80% of the generation matrix came from hydro plants), additional incentives to encourage small-scale renewable systems are expected.

Theft and fraud in the distribution system

Theft and fraud (e.g., security seal violation and direct or indirect changes to the mechanical disc of electromechanical metres) are consider a problem in the electricity distribution system. Every year, energy utilities lose approximately USD 5 billion as a result of this issue (Galo et al., 2014). One of the main barriers to smart grid adoption is its ability to prevent fraud and illegal connections (theft). Fraud is define as registered consumers who alter the system to consume more energy than is record. The flats for sale in B-17 Islamabad are the best option in this time for investment.

It is hope that this research will contribute to a better understanding of intelligent buildings technologies and their possible applications in social housing projects. Furthermore, this study can serve as a guide for stake – holders who decide to adopt this type of technology and construction, allowing them to better manage the difficulties encountered during the project by shedding light on the barriers and proposing solutions and guidance for trying to overcome them.

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