

Ksheerabala oil (taila) is recommended by ayurvedic physicians for body massage. It has innumerable medicinal properties by Bandscheibenvorfall virtue of its ingredients and method of preparation. Ksheerabala oil or ksheerabala thailam contains the herb Bala (Sida cordifolia), Milk and pure sesame oil.

First sesame oil is processed with several herbs like triphala, musta, lodra etc which help to remove its odour and increase its potency. This method is called as “murchana”. The oil gets a good fragrance and color after the process of murchana.

The paste and decoction of bala or Sida cordifolia ,

Milk and water are added in required quantities to processed sesame oil. This mixture is boiled according to the guidelines given in ayurvedic pharmacology. The ksheerabala thailam or oil thus formed is filtered and stored in air tight containers. The fat soluble active principles of bala (Sida cordifolia ) get dissolved in sesame oil through this process.

Ksheerabala taila is usually used for body massage in detoxification process. (Panchakarma) . It is rich in “Satva guna” and hence more “satvic”.  The medicinal properties of the ingredients are as follows.

Bala (Sida cordifolia):

Bala normalizes vata and has anti inflammatory properties. It soothes excited nerves, helps in strengthening muscles. Due to these properties ksheerabala oil effectively help in conditions like Arthritis, Gout, Sciatica, Stiffness of joints, Nervous debility, Neuralgia, body pain etc. Bala is known to increase quality and quantity of semen and has aphrodisiac properties. Hence massaging this oil helps in low libido, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.


According to principles of ayurveda milk has cooling effect on body. It refreshes body and mind. Milk nourishes body, increases libido, quality and quantity of semen and helps in erectile dysfunction. Milk accelerates wound healing.

Sesame Oil:

Sesame oil brings aggravated vata to normal condition. When it is infused with various herbs, it almost cures all diseases. Sesame oil increases hair growth and enhances volume of hair and its shine. It strengthens the hair roots, kills lice and prevents formation of dandruff. It heals the boils of scalp caused by infections and prevents hair loss. Massaging sesame oil on body has immense benefits. It rejuvenates body skin and increases its glow and fairness. It strengthens and tones the muscles and ligaments. Sesame oil massage is very beneficial in body pain, joint pains, insomnia and dry skin.

Traditionally Ksheerabala oil is used in Arthritis, Gout, Sciatica, Stiffness of joints, Nervous debility, Neuralgia , Insomnia, Cracking Joints, Paralysis, Spondylosis, Inflammations, Lumbago, Rheumatism,  etc. This oil is widely used in ayurvedic body massage. This helps to relax body muscles and is of good help for body builders as it tones up muscles.

Ketamine Infusion Therapy For Psychiatry Disorders and Chronic Pain Management

IV ketamine therapy is not a first line therapy for psychiatric disorders or chronic pain management and may be considered by the patient’s interdisciplinary team after failure of standard treatment.

The dose, frequency, and length of ketamine infusion treatment are individualized to each patient’s conditions, needs, and responsiveness to therapy with input from pain management team. Serial infusions appear to be more effective than a single infusion for psychiatry disorders and chronic pain conditions


Because major psychiatry disorders, such as MDD, are among the most disabling mental, neurological, and substance use-related illnesses and acute migraine, new therapeutic approaches are being considered to treat or delay the onset of these disorders.

IV low-dose Ketamine can induce rapid and robust, although temporary, ANTI-DEPRESSIVE effects, even in treatment resistant patients who do not respond to ECTs.


Ketamine may be used for chronic pain management for a range of disorders, including CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome), ischemic limb pain, phantom limb pain, fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain, post herpetic neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, post nerve injury and chronic myofascial pain.

Ketamine may have a role as an opiate adjunct for CANCER PAIN, primary of neuropathic origin, and may be a treatment option for patients who cannot tolerate opioid responsiveness.


The current literature suggests that ketamine in sub anaesthetic dose can provide short-term relief of refractory neuropathic pain and symptomatic relief in psychiatry disorders who are since long on oral antidepressants.

Ketamine should only be used after careful Bandscheibenvorfall assessment of risk/ benefit for the individual patient and should be administered by pain clinic specialists, who are willing to follow patients closely.

Chronic pain and depression is something that millions of people deal with everyday, and it can truly hinder their ability to live a normal and healthy life. Pain management clinics and psychiatry centres are places that specialize in helping people to ease the pain and stress that they feel every single day.

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