
Aesthetic procedure 101: All you need to know about Plasma fibroblast therapy

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Cosmetic & aesthetic procedures have come a long way in the last couple of decades. While ageing remains inevitable, you can opt for skin treatments to rejuvenate it. Among the popular options available today is plasma fibroblast therapy. Your healthcare provider or aesthetic clinic may recommend it as an alternative to laser, to improve the overall appearance of the skin. Compared to most other cosmetic procedures, it is fairly new. Here’s what you need to know about plasma fibroblast treatment.

An overview of plasma fibroblast therapy

The whole concept of plasma fibroblast therapy is based upon targeting fibroblasts. For the unversed, fibroblasts are collagen that are found in the dermis. Fibroblasts have a huge role in how our skin heals after a wound and how firm the skin appears. During the procedure, the aesthetic surgeon or expert uses a special device, which almost looks like a pen, to deliver electric current to targeted areas of the skin. This electric current creates micro injuries on the skin’s surface, but the device doesn’t touch the skin.
During plasma fibroblast treatment, the electric current breaks down protein in the dermis and encourages regeneration of tissues. This accelerates fibroblast activity, which transforms the skin and makes it look tightener, mainly due to tissue contraction.

Should you consider plasma fibroblast therapy?

Firstly, plasma fibroblast therapy is a nonsurgical procedure, which may benefit many people seeking skin enhancement at low risk. The procedure works well on skin that has aged or has acne scars. There is also evidence that plasma fibroblast therapy may help seborrheic keratosis. If you have general signs of ageing, including wrinkles around the eyes, neck, and lips this could be a good choice of treatment. Many clinics that offer plasma fibroblast Melbourne also consider it an option for achieving fuller lips in patients who don’t want lip fillers.

What are the benefits?

There are several advantages of plasma fibroblast therapy and it depends on your skin concerns. If your aesthetic doctor finds that the procedure will work on your skin and will improve skin texture better than other options, like dermal fillers, they may recommend this as an alternative. As with any cosmetic procedure, you need to understand the procedure and have realistic expectations before you go ahead. In general, the procedure can offer improvements in skin texture and may help with facial contouring. You may also see significant skin tightening effects.

What is the procedure like?

There are several steps in plasma fibroblast treatment and your doctor will explain what to expect during the procedure. The first step is to cleanse the skin completely to remove all skincare products and makeup. Your cosmetic specialist will use a special numbing cream, which can take anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes to work. Next they will use the plasma pen, which will deliver the electric microcurrents to the skin. The clinician will then remove the numbing cream and apply a cooling gel to help soothe the skin. One session can take up to 60 minutes or more.

After the procedure is done, you will notice scabs on the dots, they will fall off in about a week. Within the next couple of weeks, your skin will heal and appear firmer, tighter and rejuvenated. Most people see benefits after one session, but some may need multiple sessions.

Are you a good candidate for plasma fibroblast therapy?

If you have mild to moderate skin concerns related to ageing, consult one of the clinics for plasma fibroblast Melbourne to discuss your expectations. Do not opt for this procedure if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you have an allergy to topical anaesthetic it should be discussed during your consultation and if you are using medications or treatments containing isotretinoin, let your doctor know.

Are there any side effects?

In general, plasma fibroblast therapy is considered to be a safe treatment with little to no side effects. You may see some redness and swelling, which should subside quickly.

How long do the results last?

You may see a noticeable change in your skin immediately following the treatment. However, it can take up to a week to see further benefits as collagen production takes time. You can expect to see more skin tightening three months after the procedure. The results of plasma fibroblast treatment can last for as long as three years, depending on the number of sessions you opted for and how your skin responds to the treatment.

Final word

Everyone responds in a unique way to the treatment, but the procedure remains one of the safer options out there and has some amazing benefits for those with acne scars and minor ageing concerns. Contact a specialist clinic to discuss the treatment in more detail and book a session to go through the options that are most appropriate for your skin type.

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