
10 Reasons To Love urban Art

urban art

Street art is fun, creative, and has no rules. It’s a very different kind of art movement that’s getting more and more popular as the size, style, and skill of the work being shown on the streets keeps getting better. moey inc can help you with all kinds of wall urban art

And I’m about to tell you ten reasons why you should love it right away!

The past

Graffiti and street art have a long and interesting history together. Cavemen were the first people to make art on walls, but no one knows why. Today, people make art on walls for a huge range of different reasons. For fun, for art, to make a political point, or just because they want to, people break things.

Have you heard of cave paintings from the Neolithic era? Or Kilroy, who was in and World War II? What about Keith Haring and Blek Le Rat? If you haven’t already, you should!

There’s way too much to say about the history of this urban art cincinnati movement, so I’ll just point you to a couple of links that I think explain the important parts better than I could:


Every way you look at street art, it’s different. There are so many different kinds of street art, from tags to paste-ups to murals. and a lot, lot, lot more.

Street artists can be found in almost every country in the world. They are influenced and inspired by many different cultures and styles, which has led to a large body of urban art that can be found all over the world. As old pieces are taken away or erased, new ones appear every second. You’d never be able to keep up with all the changes!

Not only that, but an artist can put up anything they want in the street. It may require breaking the law, vandalism, or trespassing sometimes, but that’s how it goes. This doesn’t mean that all of them break the law, though, because a lot of their work is legal or paid for.

Mystery and suspense

Who put this work there and why? What’s the meaning? Does it mean anything at all? What happened? Why?!

But now that Instagram exists, it’s easier than ever to find artists’ official profiles and learn more about their work and why they do what they do. Still, many street artists prefer to stay anonymous for privacy and legal reasons.

In fact, you never know who the artist is behind the anonymity, and trust me, they’re never who or what you think they’ll be!

Also, a lot of artists still don’t even label their work, so the mystery and intrigue live on.

I don’t know what I love more: meeting the person behind the art and putting a face to the name, or not knowing anything and loving the mystery…

Statements about politics

Graffiti and street art have always been influenced by current political and social issues. Many people have painted and pasted on the walls and buildings in their cities as a form of anonymous political protest.

For example, when the recent economic crisis in Greece happened, angry words were written on walls to show how angry people were.

Most political statements have been controversial and have been written in bold, illegal ways in different countries and for different reasons. People make this kind of art when they feel like they have no power or influence but still want to show their anger, hatred, or defiance against political injustice:


Art is a way for creative people to express themselves, be free, ask and answer questions, protest, analyze, and get things out of their system.

For the underdog to stand up for themselves. For artists to go beyond what is expected, street, urban, and graffiti art are the best examples of this.

You don’t even have to be a “legitimate” artist. You don’t need to have a lot of fans, a big social media presence, galleries that take you seriously, or an artist agency that signs you up.

You can put your work out on the street whenever you want to.
(You don’t even have to see how people react to your work if you don’t want to!)

Putting work out on the street gives you freedom (the same freedom that lets people steal and destroy work on the street, but that’s just how it is).

Painted streets mean a colorful world, which means a happier life

People are happier when they see art in the street, and it makes their day and commute more interesting. It gives personality to something that would be dull and grey otherwise.

Art helps people remember how to feel alive. It jolts people awake. It gives hope. Motivates. And it can make people think sometimes.
Street art takes something ordinary and makes it thousand times more interesting.

The Point Where Gallery and Street Meet

Since more and more people are starting to like street art, some newer galleries have opened their doors to the artists who make it. So, you can go see a street artist working outside, and you can also go to a gallery and see their work there, where a lot of it still has an urban style even though it is in a more formal setting.

If street art is in a gallery, is it still street art? Doesn’t that go against the idea of street art? At least, that’s what some people seem to think.

No matter what you think, it has to be a good thing that people are starting to accept that the creative and talented people involved are seen as artists, not vandals. And that their work, no matter how “urban,” deserves to be called art. People are becoming more accepting of urban and street art and learning to appreciate where it came from.

Have you ever wasted an entire day in a big city looking for one artist’s work? If not, you are missing out!

Get on a plane to Paris and spend a day walking around looking for space invaders in Invader’s mosaic. Book a flight to Amsterdam and look for Gregos’ masks there. Every time you see one, you’ll jump up and down with excitement.
It’s also a great way to see both the tourist spots and the less-known parts of a city since street artists usually put their work in both popular tourist spots and secret alleyways and streets. Win-win!

When you see an artist’s work in more than one city or country, that’s when the fun starts.


Street art isn’t just limited to paintings on walls. It’s about how people interact in public spaces. And that includes so many different kinds and styles of the street and urban art.
Since there are so many different kinds of street art, there is something for everyone.

Don’t like stencils? Don’t like installations? Couldn’t care less about paste-ups? Don’t worry, there are still a million other ways to put art in the city. Just keep looking and you’ll find something… trust me


You don’t have to look a certain way or be someone else besides who you are. The world of street art is made up of artists and art lovers of all ages and from all over the world. It’s really so open that everyone is welcome.

You’ll always find some idiots no matter where you go or what you’re interested in, but as a whole, you won’t find a friendlier group of people!

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